Who wants to party?
We know there was a lack of public communication from our side lately, we respond to PM's only. And all of you deserve an explanation about the circumstances of that as they may affect you as well. The government was trying to shut us down completely because we were about to leak sensitive information. But this time they can't stop us. WHAT YOU HAVE TO KNOW is that on 20'th JULY Europe citizens lives are going to be AT STAKE! There is a 90% risk of a major nuclear leak during an inevitable nuclear operation, a disaster much greater than Chernobyl may occur There is no safer place to hide than the underground.
BEACH PARTY | Friday @ 19:00
But who wants to stay still when they know that the worst may happen. Let's not waist time and chill on the beach while we still can. Friday beach party will take place next to the fields, in the central Smiltynė beach. The music starts right after the last games (more info in picture's descriptions).
RADIOACTIVE P A R T Y : the nuclear disaster | Saturday @22:00
Saturday party will take place in the safest place miles around - the bar BUNKER. Seems that the nuclear disaster is almost inevitable. So let's dance our hearts out 🕺 cause who knows what the hell is going to happen next
(more info in picture's descriptions).
Let's be brave and embrace our destiny! Let's party hard this year ♀️
#sunbeam2019 #partyhard #faken
This year the fields will be positioned in the main Smiltynė beach. We recommend to chose the old ferry port (North) when on foot or bicycle and the new ferry port (South) when with a car.
The old ferry port - https://goo.gl/maps/
The new ferry port (for cars) - https://goo.gl/maps/

BEACH PARTY | Friday @ 19:00
Friday's beach party will take place next to the fields, in the central Smiltynė beach, right by the station. The music starts just around the end of the last games, ~ 7 PM. This party is planned to be a 'chilled hang out in the beach, enjoy the sand and warm up for tomorrow' kinda party. Live vinyls will be spoiling us all evening up until the sun goes down, the sungoes down... 🎶🎵 So drinks, big smiles and a light party to open the tournament. The last ferry leaves to the old ferry port at 00:15, the friday's beach party will be finished by then.
There might be very basic snacks available to buy on the beach, you can also have dinner in a few places in Smiltynė or have dinner in Klaipėda (you have to take a ferry for this one though). You can always prepare a nice picnic and do it on the beach after your last games
RADIOACTIVE P A R T Y : the nuclear disaster | Saturday @22:00
Saturday party will take place in the bar BUNKER. The door opens at 10 PM and the party will last until the dawn. Don't forget to put your party bracelets on for this one (you will find them in you player pack), as bracelets will be tour tickets to the party.
The bar BUNKER - https://goo.gl/maps/